Meeting Minutes November 6, 2001
Members present:
Glenn McConnel, Scott Nixon, Don and Samantha Munzer, Tim Kennedy, John Tash, Sandee McCullen, Marty Boetel, Ron and Brenda Couch, Steve Graham and Linda Luik, Ed Lyons and a couple of people who didn't sign in. Shame on you!
Meeting called to order by President Glenn at 6:58PM. After the pledge of allegiance, Glenn glanced about the sparsely filled room in search of guests. Finding none, we moved onto the treasury report. Ed stated our balance was $3263.01.
Glenn gave a quick rundown on the Jamboree. There was low turnout, but it was still fun and the weather was awesome. Lots of volunteers showed up for tech inspection. The Lo-Rangers won for best club attendance. Although the Arizona Virtual Jeep club had more members there, they are not an official ASA club, and were therefore disqualified. Dinner was reported as being quite tasty.
Sandee added that a few oil spills were left behind. The BLM is watching this closely, they need to be properly cleaned up. Lower Woodpecker and Martinez Canyon were the worst. Please pick up as much as you can and spread a good biodegradable cleaner on the rest. Micro-blaze and Arrowhead-Magnolia Bulldozer were recommended.
Jawbreaker is also under heavy surveillance by the BLM. A local official has been harassing users of this trail. All members are encouraged to contact the BLM official in question, Francisco Mendoza ( and his boss BLM State Director Denise Meridith, ( to ask that this intimidation and abuse cease immediately.Scott reported that the newsletter was so much fun, he couldn't wait to get home and start work on it. He is quite sad that he won't be able to serve as editor next year due to family obligations.
Marty reported no usage of the call chain.
Nominations for next year's officers were made. Glenn and Marty have both thrown their hats in the ring for President. Ed Lyons has volunteered to continue as treasurer. Linda agreed to run for Secretary. So many people were insisting on being nominated for the best job of all, Editor, that nominations will be continued at the next meeting.
Intermission was skipped.
The McCullen's are headed to Moab for Thanksgiving, call Sandee if you want to go. No official club run, everybody will be under their rigs turning wrenches. Call Marty if you have a trip planned.
The club's Christmas party will be December 15th, see calendar for details.
There will be an ASA Delegate meeting and United Directors meeting on November 17th. See calendar for details.
Sandee indicated the BLM is taking a trail inventory of the Florence Junction area. Table Mesa will be next. If you have a trail out there that is not widely known, turn in its coordinates or risk losing it.
AZ State Parks is doing a study on the economic impact of trail usage and need contacts. A motion was made, seconded and approved to send them our club roster minus all phone numbers. If you get the survey in the mail please take time to fill it out.
The Arizona Rock Crawlers club will be holding a rock crawling competition February 16th and 17th. This event will be sanctioned by ARCA in cooperation with ASA and United. Difficulty will be 1-2 levels below a normal ARCA event, and the top five finishers not already in ARCA will have slots made available to them for future competitions. Volunteers will be needed for 2 judges at each obstacle, marshals, and parking.
Bob Carny will be Jamboree Chairman next year.
All club members are entitled to a United sticker. Ed will be picking them up at the delegates meeting. Glenn has 2001 membership plaques and cards for ASA if you would like one.
There was some discussion about club stickers on ex-members vehicles or vehicles sold by members in good standing. A motion was made, seconded and approved to amend the membership application to require future members to remove all stickers when they leave the club or sell a vehicle. Current members are encouraged to do this voluntarily.
All members should have a copy of the club by-laws. If not, see Glenn.
The club has two new members. See the cover photo for details.
Meeting Minutes dis-respectively submitted by Scott Nixon
Calendar of Events
November trip: No official trip planned. If you're headed out and want company, call Marty Boetel and he will spread the word, 480-926-3977.
November 17: ASA Delegate meeting, Earnhardt's at Ray Rd and I10. The board meeting starts at 10AM, the delegate meeting is at 1PM.
November 17: United Directors meeting, Earnhardt's on Baseline.
December 4: Monthly club meeting, 7pm at Peter Piper Pizza, Northeast corner of Alma School and Elliot. Note: This is a Tuesday! Club officer elections will be held. Dues are also due!
December 15: Annual Lo-Rangers Christmas party. Bull Dog Wash, near Sagauro Lake. Meet at 10AM outside the gate. The club provides burgers/hot-dogs/buns, everybody brings a side dish. After lunch we play in the sand and on the boulders. Lunch spot reachable in any stock vehicle.
Newsletter Cover Photo
This month's cover photo features three new arrivals. On the left is Steven Edward Nixon; born October 18th at 10:41PM, 6 lbs. 15 oz., 20 inches long. In the middle is Reilly Jane Babcock; born November 3 at 9:15 a.m., 9 lbs. 10 oz, 22 inches long. And on the right is a Cummins 4BT recently adopted by Steve Graham; 700 lbs., 105HP and 260 ft-lbs. of torque.
Editors Corner
I thought it would be easy, I really did. Ed was nice enough to save off the membership roster onto a floppy for me, I figured all I'd have to do is read it in, tidy it up a bit and I'd be able to print a roster for the newsletter.
First stumbling block was disk format. Ed uses a Macintosh. One of the old ones that still uses vacuum tubes I think. No problem, just download and install a Macintosh emulator under windows. Doh, machine locks up. Break down and read the instructions; turns out it doesn't like my anti-virus software. Fire it up again and save off the data in Windows format.
Ok, not quite there yet. I've massaged the addresses quite a bit in the database I use to send out the newsletters. I also have a separate list of e-mail address that I know work. No problem, reboot my machine over into Linux and write a quick Perl script to merge the three databases. Well, ok it wasn't quick, but I did manage to merge the data. Only had to reboot back and forth into Windows twice before I got that whole new line/carriage return thing figured out. Curse you Bill Gates!
Now all I had to do was read it into Microsoft Access. Nope, not that simple. Had to read it into Excel, then into Access. Then I just had to add all the new information because by now the disk I had was three months old.
If anybody out there thinks computers make things easy, I've got a couple of office buildings in New York to sell you. Some assembly required.
Anyway, the roster is attached to the paper copy I mailed to you. Please check your entry to make sure it's correct. Other than e-mail, everything should be the same as was what Ed has. If your e-mail address isn't listed, it may be that I have it but don't know whom it belongs to. A$ gives me little idea as to your true identity. Drop me a line at if you want your address tidied up.
Scott Nixon,
For Sale: 15x10, 5 on 5 1/2, chrome 5-spoke steel rims in really good shape. Asking $60 for all four, comes with a spare chrome and black steel of same size and bolt pattern AMC 20 parts: Detroit, 4.56 gears, one-piece Superior axles, backing plates, brake hardware. Pass brakes are oil soaked, axles will need bearing and seal kit. Tubes are bent, but housing is fine. I figure on parting it, but if someone makes me a good offer over $500 they get it, although I need to get my 44 in first. Dana 44 parts: Trac-Lok, 3.73 gears. Gotta get my Detroit and 4.56's before these go on the auction block. Contact Glen McConnel 480-380-9936 or
Joke of the Month
A hard lesson that some have yet to learn:
October 2001
Taliban supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar: "The situation where we are now, there are two things: either death or victory. To those who are fighting and bombarding us, they should understand the Afghan man is a fighter willing to die for jihad"
June 1944
General George S. Patton: "I want you to remember that no bastard has ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country…"